28 August 2009

Leadership 101 - Look Inwards

This is post can be tagged by many words - experience, confession, realization and outcome of pure hard work. Of late and after reading many books and discussing with many of my friends who are trying to make a difference and add meaning to themselves and this world. My professional experience of first six and half years is simple to summarize "I looked outwards and I failed". I was literally looking things that are materialistic and often liked by others. I was driven by lust towards accomplishment. This last half year is full of learning and learning beyond horizon. I started to look inwards and things that interests me. There are lot of questions pop out of my mind - most of them are discarded immediately, few of them are discarded after a while and I retain few things. For example, in past few months you would have found few discontinuous posts. I would have promised you that I will post something continuously but failed. These are things that I felt interesting and later realized that are not so interesting and dropped those.

But this experience has given me the required guts to take up things that I like and in the process I started to look inwards. Looking inwards (to one's self) will do a miracle and it is when one understands one's own potential. On a contrary to looking outwards which is supposed to exciting, looking inwards will be thought agnostic and thought provoking. As one of my friends said that looking inwards will generally be a slow start and then suddenly at one point of time it will lead to an avalanche effect. Look Inwards is one of the priceless lessons I learned from my friends.