09 December 2017

"Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes" - Reading Journal 2

Like me, if you are new to Python and want to quickly ramp-up to become no non-sense developer in Python, you might want to read this post, these posts that are related to this book and probably all of these posts to become Python Super Star.

This post gives an overview of what I learned in Chapters 4, 5 and 6

Chapter 4 - Working with Lists
In this chapter, you will work with Lists in a much better way and you will see how much easier is working with Lists. You will learn the operations such as iterating the list using for loop, working with numerical lists using range, slicing a list, copying the lists, difference between copying and assigning lists. You also get to know various errors (runtime and logical error) that are likely to happen when you do not indent properly. At the end, you have a very nice section on how to Style the code. Refer PEP8 from here. This chapter is engaging and you can complete this chapter in 30 to 45 minutes including solving exercises.

Chapter 5 - if Statements
This is another easy chapter that covers conditions/tests, condition evaluation to boolean, test equality, test inequality, comparisons, multiple conditions using "and" and "or", check for existence of a value in a list and non-existence of a value in list, test to check whether the list is empty, simple if, if..else and if...elif...else. Like the other chapters, this chapter is also engaging and one can complete this within an hour

Chapter 6 - Dictionaries
This chapter covers the basics of another important feature of Python - Dictionary. This chapter teaches what is dictionary (you will understand the difference between list and dictionary when you work through examples),  adding new key-value pairs, modifying key-value pairs, removing a key-value pair, various ways of looping (items, keys, values) and various types of nesting (dictionary inside dictionary, list inside dictionary and dictionary inside list).

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