30 August 2009

Java Decompiler - Reverse Engineering Java Bytecodes

For quite sometime, I have been working on reverse engineering and particularly on reverse engineering Java applications. When we say reversing, we immediately think of generating source code from the binaries. For Java too, we have a decompiler that works like a charm. The tool is Java Decompiler. Few months back, I tried using this tool for reverse engineering an enterprise web application. I did not face any issue either interpreting the output (source code) and in using the tool. It did a decent job in reversing the bytecodes.

Java Decompiler comes as three components. JD-Core is core for decompiling that has the logic for bytecode interpretation and creating source code. JD-GUI is the frontend for JD-Core. Apart from these two packages, it also has JD-Eclipse. As the name suggests, it is a plugin for Eclipse. I didn't get a chance to use JD-Eclipse. I used JD-Core and JD-GUI and recovered source code of more than 1000 class files. If you are security expert, this is one of the tools that you should have in your toolkit.

The homepage of Java Compiler can be accessed through this link.