02 January 2013

More you share, the more you learn

Knowledge is the only thing that grows when shared. All the other things diminishes when you share. The idea is during the sharing process, you get questions from curious minds that helps to understand the subject more. You tend to uncover a lot of different perspectives by mere thinking. Another perspective is that you tend to study the subject from multiple sources and revise the subject that makes the understanding little deeper.

After a little experience in programming/software development, i wanted to study programming from the scratch. (Gyan from OpenGyan). So, from yesterday, i have started an exercise of reading through Discrete Mathematics. I m planning to follow the book Discrete Mathematics With Applications (Buy from Flipkart.com). I got this book sometime last year and never found a time to read beyond first chapter. This year, i m planning to study this book with a strong focus on solving all the exercises and couple more books on theoretical computer science. 

The idea here is to read, solve problems, share in my workshops and repeat it. If possible, i would be posting interesting puzzles and problems so that it helps folks who are following my blog. Nothing hurts. Once again it is knowledge sharing.

Another few books i find it valuable to read are - Write Great Code (guess, there are few volumes)

Together, we are stronger.

Happy learning.