05 May 2013

Is communication a key factor?

In one of our workshops @ OpenGyan,
A student asked, "How important is communication?"
I said, "very important".
He then asked, "how much should i improve?"
I said, "i don't know the answer but you and i should keep improving our skills".
He smiled and then asked, "will i get a job for my communication skills".
I said, "well, if you are looking for a technical work, communication skills alone won't fetch you a job. It is your programming skills that would fetch you a job but for that you have to express yourself clearly".
He asked me again, "i have difficulty in communication". 
I said, "as long as your express yourself with a bit of difficult toastmaster. I don't think much about my English when speaking but i try my bit by reading. That's my homework."
and listen genuinely it should be fine. don't think much about whether you are correct grammatically or you speak like a
I asked him, "how are you feeling now? do you think, talking to me is a difficult task?" 
He said, "No" 
I said, "that's is enough to start with. Don't think too much about work. Communication is more like conversation and holding interest of other person. As long as you do that, it's enough but keep improving"
[He then sat in his chair with big relief.]

Take away for him: Good technical skills and ability to converse on the topic of your interest is sufficient at work or interview. And that's my experience too [it fetched me a job 12 years back and i have been recruiting folks with average communication skills but with good technical skills].