16 August 2017

Wired to be Weird?

Journey of you and me

    Image result for mind
  1. Human mind is fresh when born
  2. Few days after you are born, the folks around you condition you (smile is an outcome of happiness, boy doesn't cry, so do not cry, a girl should not do this)
  3. Because of extreme conditioning, you build your faith
  4. You associate yourself with others of similar faith (things are fine till this)
  5. You tend to believe that the person who you associated with is "good" because of what you experience with him (which is ok, but things start to go bad). Instead of you liking a quality or a task, you tend to like that person
  6. Assume that the person exhibit some unusual behavior
  7. Since you like that person, you are actually discounting the unusual behavior (which is not good) and if you like that person to extreme, you actually justify his behavior
And therefore
  1. We are weird and as the result, we regress
  2. We regress and feel bad, understand our hardware (brain - how it is wired) and try to change our software (thinking/awareness). We grow (a nice possibility)

11 August 2017

Logic without Logic

Image result for ignorance
I came across an wonderful quote in a book on Discrete Mathematics. It applies to several things in life and our attitude in life. Here it goes 

Symbolic logic has been disowned by many logicians on the plea that its interest is mathematical and by many mathematicians on the plea that its interest is logical. - A N Whitefield

Inference: And as a result it is disowned by both.

Apply to Life: I have been in this is situation several times. For instance, when you study mathematics (or any complex subject that needs hard work to master) in school we hear teachers saying that you will understand it much deeper when you go to college. And after a couple of years when you are in college, your lecturer will say "you would learnt it in school" and just skim through it. 

We often get caught in the tiny window of ignorance due to negligence (when people treat you under qualified when you are young and over qualified when you are old and as a result you never get qualified). Break the window