19 October 2008

About Me

Lifelong student and always want to "Work In Progress".

Ceasing to learn is to ceasing to breathe - Anonymous.

Want to be lifelong student and share my knowledge with others. When I find time, I scribble a lot in my blog to express my thoughts and get my views validated. I can easily get inspired and I feel that I learned a lot by interacting with others.

Help, Help and More Help (Wanted)
While i continuously learn, i feel that it is very important for a human being to share his knowledge with others and i am more inclined to help out students community. I have given lectures on Linux, Network security, programming and software engineering to students. In case, if you feel that i can be of help to you, please drop me an email at grabyourfreedom@gmail.com

I m also maintaining a simple homepage to archive the events of my life which can be accessed through the following link.


In case, if you feel that we will create mutual value, kindly sign in to any of the following subscriptions (i ll be even (more) happier if you share this with your friends in case if you find it useful).

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Your Friend,
Lakshmi Narayanan N
Life Long Student