01 March 2009

Productivity Loss - Keep a Watch

I am not quite happy with the way I read in my college. I managed to get first class with distinction without much of studying. When I reflect back today, I feel that I wasted a lot of time during my college. I was an average student until class ten and suddenly become above average in my higher secondary education. I spent lot of time in mathematics and spent many sleepless nights in working out the problems. Even in Chemistry and Physics, I preferred solving problems than theory. The two years in higher secondary passed like anything and I literally felt that those days vanished just like that. Yes, I was in the peak on my productivity. I never read something for the sake of exam and interestingly I never thought that I would get into Engineering colleges because of so many reasons.

I am grateful to my mathematics teacher Mr T. Velmurugan who inspired me. He is a person of hard work and he never delivered anything less than the best to me. Unlike other teachers, he used to solve unsolved problems (not the ones that is already solved in model sections). He had a sound voice and reaches till the last bench. I should say that my interest towards mathematics doubled after interacting with him. This is cornerstone to my career because it is this interest made to the person who I am today. If at all if I have some problem solving skills, the most of it should go to TV Master (that how we call him). He is the man of productivity.

But when I joined the college, I should say that it was a different environment and I never found anyone as engaging as my mathematics master or at least some one who creates interest. With some josh, I tried to secure college third in first semester but my performance and productivity was vanishing. Since I was away from home, I always found an easy reason not to work hard as there was no one to point out that I am doing something wrong. But again, due to my interest in mathematics, I engaged myself in doing some C, data structure programs, assembly programming and finally wrote DOS device driver too. That helped me to secure a place in HCL selection list during my campus interview. Now, I have 6.5 yrs of experience and again I have fixed feelings. I feel that I could have done more.

This is a general feeling that everyone gets as everyone's career is mix of ups and downs. If I look at my career right from my school days, I felt happy and satisfied when I was performing at peak without wasting time. Not only I felt happy but also felt that I was progressing in life. Along with performing at peak, when you make that daily improvement and spend a productive day, the feeling that blossoms is truly different and it propels us towards excellence. So, my learning about productivity and reflecting back helped me to see productivity not as short term factor but also as a long term elixir.

So, it is highly important that we make every second count by constantly watching where and how we are spending most important "TIME" factor. Ultimately, when we fail, we say "it is time". That is true, it is how we spent the "TIME".

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