18 September 2009

Leadership 101 - New Journey, Great Aspiration, Absolute Followership

It is always great feeling to follow someone. If that "someone" is very close to you and inspires you daily to do more and in fact make you do more, you need to realize that you are getting ready for a paradigm shift, a transformation, a pleasant storm taking everyone by surprise and you are going to be an absolute soul. A month back, I had a new start at work and life is more exciting than it used to be.

I have a great aspiration of touching at least billion lives directly and indirectly. I aspire to facilitate growth for the people who have potential and fire excel by helping them to mobilize their potential at right time, right pace and right level. I strongly believe that this is going to be a great learning experience for me, not only technically but also managerial and leadership skills. Sometime back, I read the book "Transform your Workplace" by Ken Blanchard. In his book, Ken Blanchard talks about Servant Leadership and inverting the pyramid. I also happen to work in a place that asks people to "invert the pyramid". Next few years is going to be absolute excitement and new learning.

I am really looking forward eagerly for some of teammates to lead me :-) I will keep you posted about my learning.

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