12 October 2009

Privileged Moment - Slightly Feeling that I m Making Sense

It is exactly 11.30pm (12-Oct) and just now finished talking to my office buddy. I met him once while giving a presentation on how to write white paper. One of my teammates recently told that this office buddy wanted to talk to me. When I listened my teammate, he told me that "Lakshmi, my friend wants to talk to you and he really likes the way in reinvented myself". He went on to say that "whatever my inner guy says that holds now" and that we call it passion. He has started to find resonance and no doubt he is going to be a rock star - it is exactly the resonance of "inner thing" and "your action". When time comes, I will introduce him through this blog. BTW, he is a great guy and just trying to become greatest working on his daily improvements.

I feel that now I m making little sense to people around me. It is a great feeling and it is my privilege to help people to see through things (i do this by just asking questions. I m equally excited because I feel that this is going to be a turning point in my life. I m going to meet my office buddy tomorrow (13-Oct) at 7.30 pm and we fixed the date/time just few minutes back.

Life turns exciting at anytime. Thank you my dear friends. You add a great deal of value to me.

1 comment:

பத்மகிஷோர் said...

சூப்பர். !!

இப்போதைக்கு ஒரு உள்ளேன் அய்யா போட்டுக்கறேன்.

அப்பறமா எல்லா பதிவுக்க்க்ய்ம் கொமண்டு போடறேன்.