03 September 2010

GMAIL Priority Inbox

An email program that learns your reading pattern and brings those emails that are of your interest when the similar emails arrive next time. Already we have SPAM filtering but yet the number of emails that reaches our Inbox is huge. We also have various types of information shared with us at various levels of importance like personal credit card statement, bank statements, updates from facebook, important IM from your loved ones when you are offline and simply too many emails and too many important emails. If you don't regularly clean up your Inbox or if you are off for few days, there would simply so many unread emails. Sometimes, an important email (emails from your girlfriend) hides itself among not so important emails (emails from your boss). Thats were we need bit of help.

Yet again, Google has come up with Priority Inbox feature for all its GMAIL users. As soon as you login, check out Priority Inbox. It takes little time to configure. As and when an email arrives, you also have facility to increase or decrease its priority. There were two additional buttons to increase and decrease the priority. GMAIL learns it and remembers to apply the logic when similar emails comes next time.

For me, it seems to be a nice feature as it tries to bring up important emails and sorts them based on your reading pattern.

Here is a video from Google on Priority Inbox


M Sundar said...

I think we can use way2sms -mail alerts features when u r in offline or when u r not regularly clean up u r inbox, because it is giving a mobile alerts so u can easily pick the important mail on that day.

PLEASE CHECK IT OUT way2sms.com mail alerts features.

Ravindhar said...

Agree... I have enabled for mine.. its nice feature, simple idea of google..

Lakshmi said...


Cool, me too.

BTW, your comment email was prioritized and it was displayed asking me to read first...

Sandeep Kanabar said...

hats off to google for such a cool video..it was such a pleasure watching it. Tks for sharing new and upcoming things Lakshmi...

Lakshmi said...


You are welcome. Thanks for leaving comments. :-)