01 January 2014

Wish you a very happy new year

OpenGyan and Unstuck wishes you a very happy new year 2014.

A lot of good stuff happened in OpenGyan and it was mini-turnaround. Few of the colleges wanted to engage with us continuously and we do find that it would be apt to do the same. Instead spreading and scattering our bandwidth, it would be meaningful to focus and invest our energies on few institutes. We are hoping that this year will be fruitful in terms of building longer & strategic partnerships with those institutes. As the days go, you will find more interesting updates on building relationships and sustaining those relationships. Overall, we want to be little intelligent in investing our bandwidth and reach out to more students to help the community.

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us. Hope we continue to get your support.

Once again, OpenGyan wishes you a very happy and fantastic new year.

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