26 December 2017

Paradox of Choices

Less is more and more is less


I often undergo this once in a year when I try to change my phone. For past few years, I have been using smartphones (Android) but buying them is a strenuous exercise. It heavily taxes me. In fact, i take approximately about a month to decide whether to buy a phone and another month thinking what phone/brand to buy. Given the rate at which that I change the phone for past few years, it makes sense to shortlist two or three phones and pick the right one. It is especially more tedious when you want to buy things online (because the website throws options at you that you can compare)

Aren't choices good? The answer is "yes" and "no". The choices are good as long as we are able to decide and they are bad when we hit the decision paralysis (making choices).

Certainly, the choices beyond certain point overwhelm us. Our brain thinks that it is analyzing the choices but fails to understand that the choices deceive us. The brain gets tired and as a result, we end up making not so good choices (bad) or do not take decisions at all (worse).

If you are from India and had taken your wife to get a saree, you would have experienced this. The female is known to make wise decisions when it comes to life but often indecisive to select a saree (so the number of choices is the culprit)

So, it is true if someone says "less is more" (when the choice is less, you act on those choices very quickly).

Tidbits - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Paradox_of_Choice

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