11 December 2017

"Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes" - Reading Journal 4

If you are new to Python and want to quickly ramp-up to become no non-sense developer in Python, you might want to read this post, these posts that are related to this book and probably all of these posts to become Python Super Star.

This post gives an overview of what I learned in Chapters 10 and 11.

Chapter 10: Files and Exceptions
It looks to me that the last few chapters are really informative. This chapter didn't disappoint me. The first part talks about file operations - reading a file, writing to a file, appending to a file with few variations. The second part talks about handling/managing errors using exceptions (try, except and else). As a bonus, the chapter covers storing data using JSON module and at the end talks about code refactoring. Overall it is written well and does the job.

Chapter 11: Testing Your Code 
This chapter seems to be very easy and yet at the same time very informative. It is great to see a book that boots up someone in a language (programming) talks about "testing the code". I feel that it makes a lot of difference in developer's life (others too) when we test our own code using automated unit tests. This chapter talks about testing your functions and classes using Python's unittest module with cool examples. And the side effect, it kindles the interest to explore further on creating automated tests too. Great job by the author

The next set of posts from me would be code journal. I will try to write a couple of posts sharing the coding exercises. With this, I concluded the basics of Python and I am excited to start the projects :-)

If you wish to join me in the journey of a lifelong student, add yourself to my blog list and I will not disappoint you :-). 

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