13 December 2017

"Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes" - Code Journal 2

If you are new to Python and want to quickly ramp-up to become no non-sense developer in Python, you might want to read this post, these posts that are related to this book and probably all of these posts to become Python Super Star.

Today's update:
Today (13-Dec-17, coded from 6am to 7.45am), I committed the coding solutions for Chapter 8. While solving the exercises, I realized that how easy and lovely is Python. When people say that Python is highly expressive, I did not relate to it. Now, I can :-). The amount of features that you can build with the amount of code is no way related. You will end up writing lesser code (less code means less time to develop means high productivity. Less code means fewer bugs which leads to high quality). If you want to experience it, try reading Chapter 8 and try solving examples. Lists, dictionaries along with various ways of using functions, passing arguments, passing parameters dynamically, passing a variable number of arguments are cool features of Python. Functions in Python is very powerful and yet flexible (I urge you to experience it by yourself)

Do not underestimate Python and this book (because it is a crash course). Solving some of the exercises can be very involved and serves the purpose. I would give 5/5 for the exercises in this chapter. Great selection of exercises. Kudos to the author

Solutions to Chapter 8 can be found in GIT Hub Repository. View it and Share it

Want to contribute/collaborate?
If you want to contribute, you can clone the repository, create a branch and give me a pull request. If you want to know how to collaborate, email/call me. Together, we can make things better.

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